Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Blog 26 Sunday 18th November onwards Auckland continued

On Sunday and Monday we had a chance to spend some quality time with Mum's best friend, Daphne. Miraculously she looks no older than when we came over last time (12 years ago?) but she is suffering from lack of hearing now. However, by keeping things simple in her flat and then walks along the seashore we seemed to have no problem at all communicating and it was good to reminisce with someone who remembers my parents so vividly. It was lovely to see her again.

We also managed to fit in a long walk up 'One Tree Hill' (though sadly the tree had to be cut down recently) which has a glorious panorama of the city in all directions and meeting Valerie's neighbours who had just returned from a week in Fiji greatly refreshed.

On Tuesday we spent the morning really enjoying the Auckland Museum, which, although more dated than Te Papa, has a really fine collection of Maori pieces and extremely high quality of explanations for the visit. Their 'Landmarks' exhibition which shows European design and craftsmanship and fashion through the centuries was brilliantly put together and the reasons fashions changed were suddenly evident too. The natural history floor was full of things to learn about New Zealand and we were fascinated by a video on Mangrove swamps which explained so much of what we'd seen and wondered about in Fiji. Richard spent a good deal of time on the War Memorial floor and was very impressed by it.

To our delight we then met up with Rene and Esme's son Gabriel, who has just finished his music audio recording course in Auckland. It was good to see him after so long and again strange to meet someone who is on the verge of his life and career after seeing him as a bouncing youngster last time. I do hope we have persuaded him to come out to the UK and spend time with us there.

A final meal with Valerie and family at a marvellous steak restaurant at Herne Bay (no not that one) but a fine and elegant part of the city and we

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